We work together with our clients to help create the appropriate transition environment for both the teacher and the school.


In the case of new clients, we provide information regarding the basic necessities for a foreigner relocating to Mexico, as well as the possible cultural differences with respect to behavior, customs, and what they expect from their experience in Mexico, so that the adaptation process will be easier for all involved. For the benefit of the schools, before the candidate arrives in Mexico we provide him/her with an information packet that contains the following:

A complete profile of the school, including the names of the directors and key personnel.

Information regarding the country, state, and city of destination.

Information regarding the language.

Cultural norms and what will be expected of them.

School contact information (e-mail addresses, websites, phone numbers, etc.).

Feedback from teachers who have been previously placed at the same school.

Global-ERS visits the schools and teachers to perform evaluations, receive feedback from both the school and the teacher in each case, and to assist the institution with other aspects, including resume evaluation, exchanges, human resource planning for the upcoming term, etc.

For this reason, we stay in contact throughout the year with both the school directors as well as the teachers to ensure that the experience has been satisfactory and successful for all involved.